
90.5 WESA

Pittsburgh becomes more than a shot-and-a-beer town with the rise of non-alcoholic options

“I just recently moved to Pittsburgh after six years of living in Buddhist monasteries,” Freitas said. It was a great experience. I learned a lot about myself. But then at a certain point, I made a decision that I think I had taken that as far as I was going to be able to take it.”

Allegheny County D.A.’s officer offers “Combating Antisemitism” training for universities

“I just think this is extremely important in light of where we are today with the spike in anti-Semitism in the world and specifically on college campuses,” Zur said. “I think it's important to have this discussion to educate and hopefully get to a place where, you know, we can ultimately end this hatred”

Pittsburgh reactions to US Surgeon General’s call for cancer warnings on alcohol

“Nobody's drinking for their health and nobody's really looking at a label and like, ‘oh my gosh, I need to really readjust my life choices here,’” Glausier said. “We're drinking for fun. We're drinking for, you know, engagement for community, whatever”

Prairie Public

United Way of Grand Forks to announce new president

“Johnson said she was happy to step in as the interim president to help keep the ship afloat until a new president could be identified. She also expressed optimism for the future of United Way”

UND, North Dakota Game and Fish establish new wildlife management area

“The University of North Dakota has partnered with the North Dakota Game and Fish Department as well as Traill County to establish a new wildlife management area in Traill County. Prairie Public's Matt Eidson has the story”

East Grand Forks Elementary students celebrate Arbor Day

“As Reid finished speaking, each class of fourth-graders made their way to one of seven pre-dug holes with a young tree lying beside it, ready for planting. With a Parks and Rec employee overseeing the process, the kids planted, shoveled and stomped until the tree stood upright”

Grand Forks police participate in “Click It or Ticket” campaign

“The Grand Forks Police Department will be out in full-force next week as part of the nationwide "Click It or Ticket" campaign. Prairie Public's Matt Eidson has the story”

Grand Forks Herald

East Grand Forks students get hands dirty planting trees

“Most trees will outlive us,” he said. “So, when you guys get older, when you come back to visit, you can always remember where you planted these trees and you can come out and take a look at them and see how they’ve grown”

Grand Forks Air Force Base canine unit getting an upgrade

“It’s very important to be able to come out here because sometimes it’s where all the rapport happens — the relationship that you build with that dog,” she said. “And being able to have that capability any time of day is going to be super important for mission success”

East Grand Forks police seek input, funds for body cameras

"Our current system is on its last leg," Hedlund said. "It's about five years old, it's just not operating the way it should anymore. So we have to get that replaced as soon as possible, and our intent would be to do that with WatchGuard”

UND’s English Coulee gets 2 floating islands

“The environment isn’t just a job for the environmentalist and the biologists,” Thorstenson says. “The environment is something were all a part of; we all take away from it and we all use it, so it should be everybody’s responsibility, regardless of what your career path is”